Motorola has launched a new smartphone named Moto G 5G on 6th November 2020. This smartphone is available in India on Flipkart. This smartphone has so many features like Stock Android along with Moto gestures supported, 5G and fast charging which are found in the flagship smartphones above Rs. 30,000. Moto G 5G price in India Moto G 5G has a single variant of 6GB RAM and 128GB storage at Rs. 18,999. It does not offer any option of RAM and storage like its other competitors. You can check below links for both the variants. Moto G 5G Design Mi 10i is available in two beautiful colours named as Volcanic Grey and Frosted Silver. It weighs about 212g and is 9.9mm thick. It comes with 6.7 inch screen with a small single punch hole for camera on the top centre of display. On the back side of the device, the fingerprint sensor which unlocks the device very quickly. On the rig...
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