POCO India, a sub-brand of Xiaomi, has launched a new smartphone named POCO M3 on 2nd February 2021. This smartphone is available in India on Flipkart. The smartphone will soon be available on sale on Flipkart. This smartphone comes with huge battery life and a very beautiful colour on its back along with a rectangular black region consisting triple camera. Poco M3 price in India POCO M3 has a base variant of 6GB RAM and 64GB storage at Rs. 10,999. This smartphone also has a variant of 6GB RAM & 128GB storage priced at Rs. 11,999. POCO M3 Design POCO M3 is available in three beautiful colours named as Cool Blue, Power Black and Yellow. It weighs about 198g and is 9.6mm thick. It comes with 6.53 inch screen with waterdrop notch display. On the right side of the device, the fingerprint sensor is integrated with the power lock unlock button which unlocks the device very quickly. Above the power button, there is a volume up-down button. While on the left ...
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